We are so glad you're here, stick around, there's healing in this place!

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If you have an emergency or feel you are in danger, please call 911

Our ministry staff is frequently engaged in hands-on work. If you reach out to us and we are unable to answer your call, kindly leave a detailed message, and we will make it a priority to get back to you as soon as we can. 

It takes a lot of courage to admit that you have a problem and that you need professional help to overcome it. Recovery is a life-changing experience that can help you break free from the cycle of addiction that has been holding you back. However, we know that recovery is not a journey that can be made alone. At Freedom Hill you will find a supportive community with professional staff and volunteers. Beginning your healing journey today starts with just one phone call…

Courage and Commitment...

give as much detail as possible for the reason you are reaching out

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your name

Our ministry staff is often working directly with the clients.  Please understand that using this email form may take longer to get a reply. When time is of the essence, please call instead.

Please know the best and most responsive way to get in touch with us is via phone at 706-776-6109 

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Thank you for contacting us today. 

Our ministry staff is often working directly with the clients. Please understand that using this email form may take longer to get a reply. When time is of the essence, please call instead.

Please note the best and most responsive way to get in touch with us is via phone at 706-776-6109 

We are so glad you're here, stick around, there's healing in this place!

a while

hey there!
Find your way